Dani Cabs

Dani Cabs is a multi-dimensional fun facilitator that Plays with photo/video, dance, site activation comedy and clowning to explore and strengthen relationships within community.

He holds a first class honours degree in Photographic Art from QCA and has trained with La Boite Theatre, award-winning physical comedian Dr. Brown (Phillip Burgers), Anna Yen and Danielle Cresp.

In 2021/22 Dani was one of the inaugural ArtKeeper residents at HOTA on the GC, which provided funding and mentorship from Wesley Enoch to create a one-man solo show, resulting in Poncho: Keep it Up, which he is currently touring nationally to high acclaim.

Previous comedy works include Who is Dani Cabs? (Best Emerging Artist Nominee Adelaide Fringe 2015), Poncho Orange and Weekend at Barnie’s (Winner Anywhere Theatre Award 2017).

Dani strongly believes that Play is essential for a healthy community. It is what helped build our societies many millennia ago. He encourages adults to look at their environment and each other with Play in mind.